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Cemetery Walking

This past week I had the privilege of traveling back home to Knoxville, specifically the Karns and Solway areas, to visit my family. While there, my mother presented me with a beautiful gift: a photo album containing funeral programs from relatives such as my great-grandparents, their siblings, and some cousins. It may sound a bit bizarre or even morbid for some, but the historical and genealogical significance for me is great. Not only did she give me this incredible gift, but she took me to the cemetery at the Solway Church of God where many of my family are buried, and I was able to take pictures of grave stones, and reminisce about the ones I mammaw and pappaw, aunt Nola, aunt Tilda, uncle Henry. We also went not even a mile down the road to the Methodist Church where my great-great grandparents are at rest under a beautiful ol' shade tree.

I hope that, if nothing else, my stories of this beautiful family represents them all well, and serves to share their legacies. And, I hope that you, too, take the time to share your family's history and tales with your future generations.

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