Can't Blame It All On the Hurricane

I just realized it's been way too long since I've written a blog post! I'd love to have an excuse...I mean, a valid one. Alas, I can't blame it all on the hurricane. For those who don't know, we live on the east coast of central Florida so we had a big scare of hurricane Dorian, at one point a Category 5, heading our way. Fortunately for us, it weakened and stayed just off shore as it passed. The phrase "dodged a bullet" certainly applies. The poor people of the Bahamas really took the brunt of that monster. Our prayers (and some leftover supplies) are with them!
While hurricane prepping, supply shopping, shutter putting-upping (my newly created word), and sitting in a dark house eating "hurricane snacks" kept us busy for nearly two weeks, I cannot blame my lack of writing on that.
Truth is, we've had a rough time with my husband's work, or rather lack thereof, and some health issues, and well...I found myself in a funk for a while. No interest in writing or doing much of anything that was absolutely necessary. So, little progress was made on books and this poor blog sat here with a stale story that wasn't that interesting when it was first written. Hopefully, this one is a little better.
Happy to say that even though I'm not at 100%, I do feel better. We have been blessed recently in ways other than work or finances, and I'm okay with that. It's good. God is good. He provides. I'm just not always a big fan of His timing. Lol.
Anyway, I'm back to writing; working on books that we'll hopefully get released before the year ends. I probably gained ten pounds eating junk, thanks to Dorian (totally gonna blame THAT on the hurricane), but I also got some good sleep...storm shutters make our room so dark and cozy! I'm gonna work off the added weight and utilize this new bit of energy to really push through first drafts so we can spend a good deal of time editing and formatting. I'm even looking into revising the whole Dogwood Alley series. Eventually. One thing at a time for now.
So, that's it. Just a little update from me to you. I'll try not to waste more time and get some new books to you asap. If you see me active on Facebook, leave a comment reminding me I have writing to do, ok? And, hopefully we won't have any more hurricanes.