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Book Research and the Gun Range

Yesterday, my husband and I went to Femme Fatale Arms and Training (the store mentioned in the first Charlotte Ritter mystery book) for an Intro to Firearms/Concealed Carry class. We spent a few hours in the classroom learning about gun safety, gun laws, how guns work, and the like. Then, we went to a shooting range to learn about stance and grip, and to actually shoot at a target. Our instructor, Richard, did an excellent job of imparting knowledge and keeping us relaxed. I opted to shoot a Glock 9mm, and after the first three shots, I was in love. Not only is it empowering to shoot, but it's a lot of fun. I went into the class concentrating on self defense and knowledge for my Charlotte Ritter character. But, I left having found a new hobby and a new appreciation for people who utilize their Second Amendment rights.

I also learned that I had written two entire scenes (for book two) that were completely wrong in regards to how Charlotte handled herself and her weapon. Luckily, there's time to change those before we go to publication! Sometimes book research can be exhausting, even when you are fascinated by the subject matter; but this time, doing "research" was very enjoyable.

My goal with Charlotte, as a character, is to have her represent the average woman, and to have her seek out knowledge, wisdom, and skills that benefit her and her family. And, I hope to do that while maintaining her quirks and sarcastic sense of humor...oh, and plenty of coffee.

Richard, my instructor, and myself with my target

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